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Learn How to Reset Your Brain: 12 Effective Tips to Enhance Your Brain Function

The human brain is one of the most mysterious parts of the body. Our brains predefine how we act and respond to different situations and difficult times, but we don’t understand how and why these responses are triggered, for the most part. Being one of the least understood organs, your brain seems to be that terra incognita you don’t have access to. However, according to recent research, the least you can do for your brain is to help it reset. They say that old habits die hard, but our brains are incredibly elastic, meaning it is possible to erase patterns and limits that you don’t find useful. With the right techniques, you can reboot your brain and improve your mental health and physical state tremendously. That is precisely what we are going to talk about today. If you have been dreaming of changing your life dramatically, this is the right place to start! 

When does your brain need a reboot?

Most people deal with a variety of mental health issues because they don’t know how to reset their brains and when to do that. There are many negative effects that your brain undergoes throughout life, but the better you are aware of when to reboot your brain, the easier it will be to overcome those challenges. In the majority of cases, the brain requires a reset when you are dealing with:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Trauma

  • Study

  • Sleepiness

  • Focus loss

  • Sleeplessness

  • Unhappiness

1. Rewire your brains to get rid of anxiety

Dealing with anxiety is neither easy nor simple, but it’s possible to keep it at bay. The trick here lies in acknowledging the state. The moment you realize that you are about to drop into the abyss of anxiety, you should take three steps:

  • The first step – give your worries a body. Constant worrying about everything leads to nothing but mental fatigue. Thus, it would help if you focused your attention on the things that bother you at the present moment. Write down every point that pops in your head. This is a shortcut to emptying your head and feeling lighter and a lot more relieved. When you see all the worries on the paper, ask yourself what you personally can do about them and concentrate on the matters that you can actually solve, letting the rest go.

  • The second step – the next thing to do would be to divide the issues into long and short-term problems. When you do so, start by working on the short-term matters, leaving the rest aside, at least for a while.

  • The third step is to break the cycle. Should you realize that you constantly worry about something, just for the sake of it, you should come up with an activity that keeps your mind off all the potential problems. Many people go for physical exercise, but you can choose anything else that raises your mood.

2. Rewire your brain to get rid of depression

Dealing with depression is a lot more challenging than some people think. Thus, you must spot the problem, try to fix it, and reach out for help when you see your efforts failing. Here’s a list of things to do when you are feeling depressed:

  • Battle the negativity – one of the trickiest parts about depression is the false message circling in your brain. Usually, the message concerns your pride, self-esteem, and self-appreciation. Start telling yourself positive things about yourself. You won’t reboot your mind in a single day, but every positive thought will bring you closer to success.

  • Listen to your body – if you feel like you can’t go on that way, don’t keep pushing, or you will break. It is essential to take a break and relax. The world won’t end without you breaking your back on a daily basis.

  • Stop comparing – feeling inspired by someone is one thing, but constantly comparing yourself to other, potentially more successful people is a sure way to spiral down into depression. It helps to find a life coach who will point out your self-worth and assist you in discovering your own path.

3. Reset your brain after stress

Feeling overwhelmed is a state that many of you can’t wait to break out of. Constant stress can indeed lead to severe mental conditions, and you should better learn how to control it and rewire your brain in times of need. There are a few simple ways to keep stress at bay:

  • Exercise – every time you feel stressed or overwhelmed by something, start exercising. Whether it's a walk in the park or a gym session, it will take your mind off the problem and help you reboot.

  • Rest – did you know that your brain heals itself when you sleep? Thus, going for a nap after you’ve experienced a stressful situation is one of the best things to do.

  • Spatial reasoning – organizing your closet, playing Tetris or Scrabble will take your mind off negative thoughts and help your brain rewire.

4. Reset your brain after trauma

Despite the nature of the trauma, it is a form of response to some negative events that your brain creates. It may be the loss of a loved one, war, or natural disaster. Most traumas lead to feelings of sadness and anxiety all at once and often end up in depression. That is why dealing with the situation is a more difficult task than some people would like to admit. A few methods could help you cope with trauma and lift that brain fog.

  • Accept support – the best practice to deal with trauma is acknowledging it and deciding that you want to heal. Healing on your own is a lot more challenging than healing with a lot of social support. That is why it is advised to accept support from friends and family if you are looking for ways to overcome trauma and rewire your brain.

  • Look for help when family communication does not seem enough. You must find the right therapist to lead you through the dark times.

  • Physical activity – trauma can inspire many bad habits, and you should be ready to cut them off before they root. Physical activity will take your mind off the trauma and help you recharge. Even a few minutes spent outside will count.

5. Rewire your mind after study

Being productive 24/7 is fiction; you shouldn’t try to correspond to false standards. Your memory and mind can’t put up with the constant strain that non-stop studying will impose on them. That is why you should be ready to take a break and refresh every now and then. The fastest route to boosting your energy levels and refreshing your brain after study is the following:

  • A walk outside – fresh air works miracles on your mind. On top of that, movement is known to wake mitochondria up and thus spice your organism up with more energy. Once you feel adequately energized, your brain has been rebooted.

  • Drink water – such a simple step as drinking a glass of water will ensure that you keep your body properly hydrated. Thus, your brain functions appropriately. Not everyone knows that dehydration is why brain function slows down.

6. Reboot your brain without falling asleep

It is an easy task to go to sleep so that your brain can reset itself. However, at times, going to bed is not an option, but you need to lift that brain fog as fast as possible. In times like this, the experts advise that you take a bottle of lemon essential oil and inhale the scent for a while. The citrusy aroma will help you refocus and feel more awake than before. Rosemary and eucalyptus have a similar effect. Isn’t it incredible how simple things can enhance your cognitive performance?

7. Reboot your brain to concentrate

Among the simplest and most effective ways to regain mental clarity would be to have a nap whenever you feel that your focus is shifting. No matter the busy schedule that you stick to, a 20-minute nap will do you more good than an hour spent staring at the screen. Those of you involved with creative problem solving should write the tip down. However, a nap lasting longer than 20 minutes will negatively affect you, so you should better set that alarm. Exceeding the mentioned limit will leave you feeling grumpy and drowsy, let alone decrease your ability to focus.

8. Rewire your mind to go to sleep

Cognitive overload can lead to sleep disorders and even temporary sleep deprivation. To ensure that you get enough sleep and your cognitive performance does not suffer in the process, you should memorize a few practical ways to empty your mind and avoid insomnia. They are the following:

  • Write a to-do list being in control of everything in life is tiresome. The racing thoughts that concern your daily routine, new projects, and other everyday tasks can keep you awake. To avoid that and let your brain rest, you should take 5 minutes and write down all the things that you have to do tomorrow. Such an approach gives you a visual plan for the next day, soothing the mind so that you can fall asleep without additional substances.

  • Release muscle tension – mental clarity isn’t the only thing to ensure before going to bed so that you can fall fast asleep. You should relieve your muscles from the daily tension too. For example, taking a warm bath filled with salts and essential oils can relax you and help your brain rewire.

  • Establish a no-screen zone – constant access to mobile devices, computers, and TVs can disrupt your sleep pattern and make your mind race for no apparent reason. The experts suggest that you leave all the devices outside your bedroom and fall asleep in complete darkness and calmness.

9. Reboot your brain to be happy

All the negative emotions you experience throughout the day may make you feel shattered and unhappy. However, there are a few ways to make your brain feel happier and rebooted.

  • Keep away from social media – the more time you spend scrolling through social media feeds, the unhappier you will feel. It's all because social media life seems more fulfilling, bright, and utterly perfect. Thus, you should focus on your present life, spend time with those you care about, and stick to your daily schedule instead of feeling constantly pressured by unrealistic expectations reflected through social media.

  • Quality alone time – spending time with the ones you love is great, but to feel happy, you need a little you-time too. Regular practice will help you gain clarity, improve critical thinking and reboot your happiness levels. Whether it is going to the concert you have dreamed about, spending a day at the spa, or lying in bed reading your favorite books—whatever makes you feel alive. Practice the routine every other week, and you will be amazed at the outcome.

Bonus: 3 hacks to quickly reboot your brain

One of the most challenging tasks of a brain reboot is to sense that something is wrong with how your brain works. Given thought to that, you should seek the most effective shortcuts to mental clarity. If you don’t seem to be able to figure out the reasons that trigger the brain fog, you should try these simple hacks to rewire the system.

  • Sleep – as mentioned, your brain heals itself when the body rests. You will have more energy and better clarity after you sleep it off. So, you should create the perfect sleeping environment and establish a routine that you stick to no matter what.

  • Exercise – physical activity gives you control over what you do, when, and how you do it without putting too much strain on your brain. That is why you will feel more productive after a gym session than you’ve been before.

  • Meditation – just like you exercise your body, so you should do with your mind. The true nature of meditation is to free your mind of all the stress and thoughts that revolve around it. It may feel like you are learning a new language while practicing meditation, but the tremendous effect it will have on your well-being is hard to underestimate.

How can you reset your brain with Eleviate?

Eleviate is a practical app designed to help you find the best type of exercise to unwind and reboot. The healthy recipes available will help you monitor what you eat so that you keep away from saturated fats and maintain a clean mindset through effective meditation. You can begin your journey by discovering same-minded people through Eleviate. Besides, our trained professionals will help you deal with stress, depression, or trauma that keeps your brain strained. All it takes is to create an account and change your life for the better instantly!

How do you mentally reset your brain?
There are four things to do to reset your brain:

1. Relabel – tag negative thoughts as false messages.
2. Reattribute – find the trigger that wakes up negative thoughts.
3. Refocus – refuse to be misled and create new, positive patterns that your mindset follows.
4. Revalue – with a new behavior pattern in mind. You will see the old patterns for what they are – destructive distractions. As you deem them unworthy, they will soon fade away.
How do you reset your brain in 30 seconds?
Give a thumbs up and try pressing the thumb with the index finger and thumb of the other hand on the sides for 30 seconds. The instant reset will pleasantly surprise you.
How do I completely refresh my brain?
Practice a positive mindset, eat healthily, sleep well, work out regularly, and socialize—these are the main factors that will help you reboot your brain and live a happy and fulfilled life.
How long does it take to reset the brain?
It may take weeks, months, or even years to fully rewire your brain, depending upon the issue that you are struggling with. However, the result is always worth the time and effort you invest in it.
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